
California is the leading dairy state in the United States. The total sale of milk and its products represents about $6.3 billion annually out of the $50 billion generated from all agricultural production in the state. However, methane emissions from dairy manure and enteric fermentation represented nearly half of all annual methane emissions in California, with dairy manure accounting for 25%, and enteric fermentation for 20%. Methane emissions originating from manure are produced primarily from anaerobic settling basins and lagoons, which are the most common manure storage systems in the state. To achieve sustainability on dairy farms and to comply with state regulations for air and climate pollutants, dairy farms have implemented technologies such as anaerobic digestion and alternative manure management technologies. In addition, governmental incentive programs have been deployed to partially fund these technologies for eligible dairies in the state. The present article reviews the design and operations, effectiveness, and economics of the most common technologies employed in Californian dairies in reducing methane emissions. The technologies studied include anaerobic digesters, mechanical separators, compost-bedded pack barns, manure vacuuming followed by drying, and weeping walls. The current status and estimated effectiveness of government incentive programs are reviewed and recommendations for improvements presented. Finally, future trends and research needs for mitigating the emissions in Californian dairies are identified.

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