
Discoveries of diverse microbial eukaryotes and their inclusion in comprehensive phylogenomic analyses have crucially re-shaped the eukaryotic tree of life in the 21st century.1 At the deepest level, eukaryotic diversity comprises 9-10 "supergroups." One of these supergroups, the Metamonada, is particularly important to our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of eukaryotic cells, including the remodeling of mitochondrial function. All metamonads thrive in low-oxygen environments and lack classical aerobic mitochondria, instead possessing mitochondrion-related organelles (MROs) with metabolisms that are adapted to low-oxygen conditions. These MROs lack an organellar genome, do not participate in the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation,2 and often synthesize ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation coupled to hydrogen production.3,4 The events that occurred during the transition from an oxygen-respiring mitochondrion to a functionally streamlined MRO early in metamonad evolution remain largely unknown. Here, we report transcriptomes of two recently described, enigmatic, anaerobic protists from the genus Anaeramoeba.5 Using phylogenomic analysis, we show that these species represent a divergent, phylum-level lineage in the tree of metamonads, emerging as a sister group of the Parabasalia and reordering the deep branching order of the metamonad tree. Metabolic reconstructions of the Anaeramoeba MROs reveal many "classical" mitochondrial features previously not seen in metamonads, including a disulfide relay import system, propionate production, and amino acid metabolism. Our findings suggest that the cenancestor of Metamonada likely had MROs with more classical mitochondrial features than previously anticipated and demonstrate how discoveries of novel lineages of high taxonomic rank continue to transform our understanding of early eukaryote evolution.


  • Anaeramoebae reorder the phylogeny of Metamonada To deepen our understanding of the phylogenetic placement and metabolic potential of the Anaeramoebae, we sequenced the transcriptomes of Anaeramoeba ignava and Anaeramoeba flamelloides[5] (Figures 1A and 1B)

  • We found that the two Anaeramoeba species form a clade that branches as sister to the Parabasalia within a monophyletic Metamonada; all three relevant branches receive full support in maximum likelihood (ML) bootstrap analyses (Figures 1D and S1) and in Bayesian analysis (FigShare: https://doi.org/10.6084/ m9.figshare.12205517.v1)

  • Metamonada is represented by three major lineages— Preaxostyla (e.g., Trimastix, Monocercomonoides), Fornicata (e.g., Carpediemonas, Giardia), and Parabasalia (e.g., Trichomonas, Tritrichomonas).[6]

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Metamonada is represented by three major lineages (phyla)— Preaxostyla (e.g., Trimastix, Monocercomonoides), Fornicata (e.g., Carpediemonas, Giardia), and Parabasalia (e.g., Trichomonas, Tritrichomonas).[6] To date, most phylogenetic investigations recover Parabasalia and Fornicata as sister lineages to the exclusion of Preaxostyla, including a recent analysis that placed Barthelona, a genus of free-living flagellates, as sister to the Fornicata with 100% bootstrap support.[7] Support for the relationship between Fornicata and Parabasalia has not wavered

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