
To the Editor.— It was with great interest that I read the recent MEDICAL NEWS & PERSPECTIVES article reporting on anabolic steroids in which William Taylor, MD, suggests making them controlled substances. 1 One state at least—Texas—has done so. The 70th session of the Texas legislature recently passed a bill (Senate bill 1035) amending Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes article 4476-14 and making 16 anabolic steroids and human growth hormone controlled substances for which triplicate forms will have to be used to prescribe them. The drugs named specifically in the bill are clostebol, dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, ethylestrenol, fluoxymesterone, mesterolone, methandienone, methandrostenolone, methenolone, methyltestosterone, nandrolone, norethandrolone, oxandrolone, oxymesterone, oxymetholone, stanozolol, testosterone, and human growth hormone. Several of these drugs are not approved for use in the United States, but are available in Europe and Mexico. The bill originated out of concern about evidence that high school and junior high school boys were taking anabolic

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