
The restricted (m,n;N)-online Ramsey game is a game played between two players, Builder and Painter. The game starts with N isolated vertices. Each turn Builder picks an edge to build and Painter chooses whether that edge is red or blue, and Builder aims to create a red Km or blue Kn in as few turns as possible. The restricted online Ramsey number r̃(m,n;N) is the minimum number of turns that Builder needs to guarantee her win in the restricted (m,n;N)-online Ramsey game. We show that if N=r(n,n), r̃(n,n;N)≤N2−Ω(NlogN),motivated by a question posed by Conlon, Fox, Grinshpun and He. The equivalent game played on infinitely many vertices is called the online Ramsey game. As almost all known Builder strategies in the online Ramsey game end up reducing to the restricted setting, we expect further progress on the restricted online Ramsey game to have applications in the general case.

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