
Calotropis gigantea , R.Br. is a plant with clusters of flowers of white or lavender colour. They grow widely in Singapore, China, Thailand, Malay Islands and Sri Lanka. In India, the shrubs are very common and grow widely in compounds of temples and other waste lands. It is called as Madar. Large shrub or small tree up to 4-10 m tall, much-branched at base, stems erect, up to 20 cm in diameter; bark pale grey, longitudinally cracked; young shoots woolly hairy; latex in all parts. The White Madar plants are very slow growing but are fleshy in nature especially the leaves and stems. The latex, leaves, flowers, barks and roots of this plant are used as potential remedy for the treatment of a range of ailments. C. gigantea contain chemical constituents are cardenolides, flavonoids, terpenes, pregnanes and a non-protein amino acid. The plant has been used for various disease condition including leprosy, ulcers, tumours and piles. Various pharmacological activities reported like Analgesic activity, Antipyretic activity, Pregnancy interceptive activity, CNS activity, Anti-inflammatory activity, Procoagulant activity, Anti-diarrhoeal activity, free redical scavenging activity, Antimicrobial Activity, Anti-tumor activity, Antifungal activity, Antitussive activity, and Antifeedent activity. In view of this the present study was investigated to review the phytochemistry, pharmacological activity, medicinal properties and biological properties of Calotropis gigantea .

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