
H3K27-altered diffuse midline glioma (DMG H3K27-altered) is a relatively newly-designated WHO entity which primarily affects the midline structures of the central nervous system (CNS), including the brainstem (predominantly pontine region), thalamus, midbrain, or spinal cord, and primarily affects children and young adults. Despite the proximity of these tumors to eloquent areas in the CNS, novel stereotactic approaches have facilitated the ability to obtain tissue diagnoses without significant morbidity, providing molecular diagnostic information in more than half of patients. Conventionally fractionated radiation therapy to a total dose of 54-60 Gy in 27-30 fractions and 24 Gy in 12 fractions play a crucial role in the definitive treatment of these tumors in the primary and salvage settings, respectively. Hypofractionated regimens may allow for accelerated treatment courses in selected patients without jeopardizing disease control or survival. The decision to add concurrent or adjuvant systemic therapy mainly relies on the physicians’ experience without solid evidence in the literature in favor of any particular regimen. Recently, novel agents, such as ONC201 have demonstrated promising response rates in progressive/recurrent tumors and are currently under investigation in ongoing randomized trials. Given the scarcity of data and well-established guidelines due to the rare nature of the disease, we provide a contemporary overview the molecular underpinnings of this disease entity, describe the role of radiotherapy and systemic therapy, and provide practice management principles based on the published literature.

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