
Conflict of interest: none declared. We report an unusual case of secondary syphilis in a patient who had condyloma lata at two different sites (umbilicus and perineal area) and mucous patches on the lips. A 20‐year‐old unmarried woman presented with a 1‐month history of multiple nodules on the umbilicus and perineal area and whitish mucous patches on the lips. There was no history of previous genital skin lesions. Physical examination revealed multiple flesh‐coloured verrucose nodules on the perineal area, several confluent nodules covered with malodorous mucoid exudates on the umbilicus, and whitish mucous patches on the upper and lower labial mucosa (Fig. 1a–e). Because of the site of the lesions and the verrucose appearance, we originally believed these lesions to be condyloma acuminata. However, a blood test (VDRL) was reactive at a titre of 1 : 32, and positive results were obtained with the fluorescent treponemal antibody IgM test and the Treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay.

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