
Uterine perforation is an uncommon complication of intrauterine device insertion, with an incidence of uterine perforation by IUCD ranged from 0.4 to 1.6 per 1000 insertions. Perforation may be complete, with the device totally in the abdominal cavity, or partial, with the device to varying degrees within the uterine wall. We hereby describe a case report of a 36-year-old lady who presented with abdominal pain and her imaging with an ultrasound revealed a perforation of the uterus and partially migrated to the urinary bladder lumen. The IUCD was easily removed by grasping the tip of the vertical arm with the forceps of the flexible hysterofibroscope and directly pulling it out appropriately. Most cases are due to traumatic perforation that occurs at the time of insertion. However, “secondary” perforation can also occur by gradual erosion. Most of the uterine perforations by IUCD are uncomplicated, with the device lying in a quiescent state in the abdomen.

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