
Ocular injuries are widely reported with spectacle related eye trauma, particularly due to sports. The trauma is usually sufficient to break the lenses in the spectacles and the resultant globe laceration is cause of morbidity. 31 year-old male patient presented with history of trauma while playing with football over left eye. Detailed examination showed corneal laceration with spectacle screw impacted and the arm of the spectacle frame hanging outside. Anterior segment examination showed flat anterior chamber with hyphema and vitreous prolapse. Plain radiographs of orbit showed metal intra ocular foreign body. Patient underwent corneal tear repair with removal of the spectacle arm along with screws. Football is the one of the common cause of ocular injury, but the wearing of protective headgear is still not prevalent. Ophthalmologists have a role in creating awareness as the population at risk is young, by actively encouraging the usage of protective eyewear.

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