
While supervised deep learning has achieved great success in a range of applications, relatively little work has studied the discovery of knowledge from unlabeled data. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised deep learning framework to provide a potential solution for the problem that existing deep learning techniques require large labeled data sets for completing the training process. Our proposed introduces a new principle of joint learning on both deep representations and GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model)-based deep modeling, and thus an integrated objective function is proposed to facilitate the principle. In comparison with the existing work in similar areas, our objective function has two learning targets, which are created to be jointly optimized to achieve the best possible unsupervised learning and knowledge discovery from unlabeled data sets. While maximizing the first target enables the GMM to achieve the best possible modeling of the data representations and each Gaussian component corresponds to a compact cluster, maximizing the second term will enhance the separability of the Gaussian components and hence the inter-cluster distances. As a result, the compactness of clusters is significantly enhanced by reducing the intra-cluster distances, and the separability is improved by increasing the inter-cluster distances. Extensive experimental results show that the propose method can improve the clustering performance compared with benchmark methods.

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