
Review based recommendation utilizes both users’ rating records and the associated reviews for recommendation. Recently, with the rapid demand for explanations of recommendation results, reviews are used to train the encoder–decoder models for explanation text generation. As most of the reviews are general text without detailed evaluation, some researchers leveraged auxiliary information of users or items to enrich the generated explanation text. Nevertheless, the auxiliary data is not available in most scenarios and may suffer from data privacy problems. In this article, we argue that the reviews contain abundant semantic information to express the users’ feelings for various aspects of items, while these information are not fully explored in current explanation text generation task. To this end, we study how to generate more fine-grained explanation text in review based recommendation without any auxiliary data. Though the idea is simple, it is non-trivial since the aspect is hidden and unlabeled. Besides, it is also very challenging to inject aspect information for generating explanation text with noisy review input. To solve these challenges, we first leverage an advanced unsupervised neural aspect extraction model to learn the aspect-aware representation of each review sentence. Thus, users and items can be represented in the aspect space based on their historical associated reviews. After that, we detail how to better predict ratings and generate explanation text with the user and item representations in the aspect space. We further dynamically assign review sentences which contain larger proportion of aspect words with larger weights to control the text generation process, and jointly optimize rating prediction accuracy and explanation text generation quality with a multi-task learning framework. Finally, extensive experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed model for both recommendation accuracy and explainability.

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