
Given a logic program P , an unfold/fold program transformation system derives a sequence of programs P = P 0 , P 1 , …, P n , such that P i +1 is derived from P i by application of either an unfolding or a folding step. Unfold/fold transformations have been widely used for improving program efficiency and for reasoning about programs. Unfolding corresponds to a resolution step and hence is semantics-preserving. Folding, which replaces an occurrence of the right hand side of a clause with its head, may on the other hand produce a semantically different program. Existing unfold/fold transformation systems for logic programs restrict the application of folding by placing (usually syntactic) conditions that are sufficient to guarantee the correctness of folding. These restrictions are often too strong, especially when the transformations are used for reasoning about programs. In this article we develop a transformation system (called SCOUT) for definite logic programs that is provably more powerful (in terms of transformation sequences allowed) than existing transformation systems. This extra power is needed for a novel use of logic program transformations: for the verification of a specific class of concurrent systems, called parameterized concurrent systems.Our transformation system is constructed by developing a framework, which is parameterized by a "measure space" and associated measure functions. This framework places no syntactic restriction on the application of folding, and it can be used to derive transformation systems (by fixing the measure space and functions). The power of the system is determined by the choice of the measure space and functions; thus the relative power of different transformation systems can be compared by considering their measure spaces and functions. The correctness of these transformation systems follows from the correctness of the framework. We show that various existing transformation systems can be obtained as instances of our framework. We extend the unfold/fold transformation framework with a goal replacement transformation that allows semantically equivalent conjunctions of atoms to be interchanged. We then derive a new transformation system SCOUT as an instance of the framework and show its power relative to the existing transformation systems. SCOUT has been used to inductively prove temporal properties of parameterized concurrent systems (infinite families of finite state concurrent systems). We demonstrate the use of the additional power of SCOUT in constructing such induction proofs.

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