
Analysis of the quantity and specific radioactivity of amino acids derived from intra-cellular pools, aminoacyl-transfer RNA, and protein hydrolysates of cultured cells has been achieved using a radiolabeled amino group ligand, dansyl chloride. Speeific activities of 14C- or 3H-labeled amino acids are calculated after reaction with appropriately labeled dansyl chloride of known specific activity. The quantity of amino acid is determined as a function of its diluting influence on a radioactive standard. The specific activity of as little as 2 pmol of amino acid can be measured using [ 14C]dansyl chloride the less sensitive of the two isotopic species available. Thus, cells from a single 60-mm culture dish provide sufficient material for analysis of both intracellular and transfer RNA amino acid pools, and one can easily analyze the amino acids in hydrolysates made from individual bands in polyacrylamide gels. The method offers significant improvement in speed, sensitivity, and economy over conventional methods of amino acid analysis and, because of its double-label design, gives accurate results with a minimum of technical expertise and no major equipment other than a scintillation counter.

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