
The HIV transcription initiation complex involves a putative interaction between the primer tRNA anticodon and a conserved A-rich loop in the HIV genome. Surface plasmon resonance was used to demonstrate that the hypermodified nucleosides in the tRNA anticodon stem loop (ASL) stabilize RNA-RNA interactions in a model for the anticodon/A-loop complex. tRNA ASL hairpins with the modifications of Escherchia coli tRNALys and human tRNALys,3 each form stable complexes. Partially modified tRNA ASLs bind the A-loop hairpin with lesser affinity, and it was found that the modifications of the bacterial and mammalian tRNAs make distinct contributions toward stabilizing the RNA complex. One model for the anticodon/A-loop RNA complex that is consistent with the known modification effects on tRNA structure and function is that of complementary tRNAs, as seen for the published crystal structure of tRNAAsp.

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