
Many low-income developing countries struggle with waste collection and the development of disposal facilities, leading to issues such as illegal dumping and poor enforcement of waste management regulations. The pollution caused by street vendors' waste is particularly evident in the central business districts of cities in developing nations. The informal economy, which includes activities such as street vending has become prevalent in developing countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) nations. This study aims to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of existing literature on street vendors' waste management practices in the region, with a focus on understanding the factors influencing waste mismanagement and identifying integrated strategies employed across SSA. In most SSA areas, research is conducted to evaluate food vendor hygienic practices (33%), however the waste management component, which is crucial to hygiene, makes up just 15%, which is twice as small as the research that focused on hygienic practices. As a result, street vendors in the majority of sub-Saharan nations have little interest in waste management procedures. Many street vendors in the region resort to informal waste disposal methods because of no access to formal waste management infrastructure since they are not recognised as formal businesses. The study acknowledges the street vendors' contribution to food security in developing Sub Saharan Africa, as well as the significance of comprehending their waste management practices. Despite their prevalence in urban areas, these informal businesses still face a lack of recognition and inclusion from governing bodies. Therefore, the study emphasises the necessity of incorporating street vendors into formal municipal waste management systems and providing them with enhanced infrastructure and services. Given that the lack of recognition subsequently make it challenging to integrate vendors into formal waste management systems. Subsequently this has a negative cumulative impact on developing and enforcing clear regulations that specify the responsibilities of street vendors in waste management. Thus, leading to the absence of comprehensive by laws regulations governing waste management for street vendors within Sub-Saharan Africa.

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