
Two species of rock-wallabies occur in New South Wales; the Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby Petrogale xanthopus in the far west and the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Petrogale penicillata in the east. Both species have contracted in distribution and abundance across their former range and are threatened in NSW. The P. xanthopus population in NSW now comprises only two sub-populations. Removal of large numbers of goats, thought to be the primary threat, has not halted the wallaby's decline. Fox and cat predation is now considered the major threat. Fox control is currently being conducted. P. penicillata has undergone a dramatic and continuing decline from being common throughout south-eastern Australia to currently being extremely rare in the southern and western parts of its range and found only in isolated colonies throughout the north of its range. Predation (particularly fox, but including dog and cat), once again, is considered the major threat. A recovery program has been commenced involving the media and wider community in locating extant colonies, as well as developing and implementing Population Management Plans. This program has documented further local extinctions and extremely low numbers of individuals in colonies in the southern and western parts of the range. While no surviving colonies are known between the Shoalhaven area and the Victorian border, there remain more and larger colonies in the north of the state.

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