
In this paper, it will be discussed how intelligence and espionage activities have survived through a process of change and transformation in the historical process. In this context, the etymological structure of the words intelligence and espionage will be examined first and these words will be briefly explained etymologically. Afterwards, the names under which intelligence and espionage activities were carried out in different periods will be discussed. In this article, intelligence and espionage activities will be discussed under three headings, namely the Pre-Islamic Period, the Islamic Period and the Post-Islamic Period. Intelligence and spying activities during the Seljuk period in the post-Islamic period will also be evaluated. The article will also include the areas in which states and societies need intelligence and espionage activities. The study will also provide information on which methods and techniques were used within the scope of intelligence and espionage activities during the Ottoman Empire period. The roles of religious representatives, ambassadors and travelers in intelligence and spying activities in the historical process will also be evaluated. The article will also discuss the importance of intelligence and espionage activities during the War of Independence and the effects of these activities on the victory of the National Struggle. In this context, the role of non-Muslims in conducting intelligence and espionage activities will also be mentioned. In the study, the qualifications of people who will carry out espionage and intelligence activities and the effects of such activities on the domestic and foreign policies of the countries will also be emphasized. Thus, it will be clarified how the intelligence and spying activities have undergone a process of change and transformation in the period from pre-Islam until today, and the importance of these activities will be emphasized.

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