
Under nutrition is still a major problem in India and at the same time overweight and obesity are also beginning to affect a substantial proportion of the population. Macro and micronutrient deficiencies affect a significant proportion of the population. Children, pregnant, and lactating women are the most affected with the retardation of cognitive and physical growth, increased susceptibility to infections which ultimately affects productivity of the country. Hence, the Government has devised several national programs like Integrated Child development services (ICDS), National Iron + initiative, National Iodine deficiency disorder control program (NIDDCP) etc., The activities under each program have been listed and its impact as assessed by various evaluation programs has also been mentioned. The determinants of under nutrition are a result of a complex interaction between various factors articulated by UNICEF as immediate, underlying, and fundamental determinants. The fact remains that inspite of all the programs, household food security is determined by a more complex array of factors. Concerted effort and a convergence by all the programs are required with particular emphasis on gender equity. More attention is required in rural areas, scheduled caste and tribe people, very young children between 0-2 years, and the girl child.

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