
Anatomy is considered a cornerstone in medical education. Dissecting anatomical pieces, is the ideal way to learn this subject. However, always there is a limitation, since the access to the anatomy lab and the number of cadavers is restricted. That is why throughout the history of anatomy instructions, other academic tools have emerged such as photographic atlas, new preservation techniques such as plastination, and more recently, the use of computer software technology.The aims of this study were to collect information on the supportive methods used by freshmen DVM students and the quality of knowledge retention in senior students that coursed the Bovine Anatomy class in the Veterinary Sciences College of the Austral University of Chile. The implementation of a survey and a diagnostic exam were used for this purpose.Results showed that the main material used by freshmen students to support their preparation for the Anatomy exams books (38.5%), and that only 12.2 % of the students used some computer technology. Results might be explained by the absence of a complete Anatomy software for the bovine species. Therefore, almost all students (97.8%) agreed with the possibility of having a computer software for complementing the study of Bovine Anatomy. Regarding the diagnostic exam there were only 33.2% of correct answers which represent a low retention of knowledge in senior DVM students.

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