
The In-Space Propulsion Technology Project, funded by NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD), is continuing to invest in propulsion technologies that will enable or enhance NASA robotic science missions. This paper provides an update on developments in propulsion technologies in the areas of aerocapture, electric propulsion, solar sails, advanced chemical thrusters, other advanced propulsion concepts and components, and the supporting systems and mission studies. Aerocapture investments have improved models for: guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) of blunt body rigid aeroshells, atmosphere models for Earth, Titan, Mars and Venus, and models for aerothermal effects. In addition to enhancing the technology readiness level (TRL) of rigid aeroshells, improvements have also been made in understanding and applying inflatable aerocapture concepts. Investments in electric propulsion technologies have focused on completing the NEXT ion propulsion system, a .6-7kW throttleable gridded ion system suitable for future Discovery, New Frontiers, and Flagship missions. Also discussed are the developments in other electric propulsion products such as the HiVHAC Hall thruster, a thruster specifically designed to be a low cost, highly reliable thruster ideally suited for cost capped missions like NASA Discovery missions, and thruster life modeling activities. In the advanced chemical area developments have included ultra light-weight tanks, high temperature thrusters as well as system studies to understand potential benefits of cryogenic propulsion systems. The solar sail technology area has completed a thorough ground development and test program for two sail and deployment concepts. Finally, developments in the application of tethers for propellantless orbit boosts will be discussed.

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