
In recent decades, many studies have been carried out on heterocycles, especially imidazole rings. The pharmacological properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiviral and antidiabetic properties Apart from that, there are few side effects. The search for new biologically active imidazoles remains an area of interest An overview of medicinal chemistry. This white paper aims to collect and explain a wealth of information. Antibacterial profile of imidazole. Therefore, it can be used for future development to obtain new effective drug molecules. These heterocycles are important building blocks of functional molecules used in various fields. Used on a daily basis. Emphasis was placed on the bonds that form during the formation of imidazole. The usefulness of these methods is based on functional group compatibility. Processes around the ring and the resulting permutation patterns are described, including domain descriptions. Limitations, Reaction Mechanisms, and Future Challenges. The imidazole ring is part of several important natural products Products containing purines, histamine, histidine, nucleic acids. as polar and ionic Aromatic compounds that improve the pharmacokinetic properties of lead molecules Used as a remedy to optimize poorly proposed solubility and bioavailability parameters soluble lead molecule. Imidazole derivatives occupy a unique position in the art medicinal chemistry. Imidazole drugs have expanded the scope of eliminating various dispositions in clinics dose.

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