
 Direct-to-patient virtual visits are a way of providing health care to patients in their location of choice, using technology (e.g., phone, text messaging, video conferencing).
 The use of virtual visits has the potential to overcome many of the barriers associated with in-person care, including improved access, convenience, and cost savings.
 Many communities that are underserved by in-person care also face barriers to virtual care. There is a risk that current health inequities will be exacerbated if barriers such as, for example, reliable access to an internet-connected device, technology literacy, and language barriers are not addressed.
 Virtual visits have been used safely and effectively for many types of health care visits.
 There is a lack of evidence on the cost-effectiveness of virtual visits.
 Regulations regarding the provision of virtual visits are needed to uphold equitable access to publicly funded health care as mandated by the Canada Health Act.

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