
Double auction is becoming the preferred negotiation protocol for cloud service negotiation due to its economic efficiency, capability in facilitating dynamic pricing, and suitability for handling a large number of customers and service providers. However, as far as this research work is concerned, there is no framework using double auction that simultaneously and comprehensively addresses the heterogeneity of cloud services in multi-attributes negotiation. Before such a framework can be designed, suitable multi-attributes negotiation techniques and its attributes should be identified. Therefore, this paper’s objective is to distinguish and provide an overview of multi-attributes techniques used in double auction negotiations. The sources are from the Scopus Database. It is found that the current multi-attributes techniques lacked in addressing the preferential dependency, selective attributes and utility optimization simultaneously in double auction frameworks. These concerns need to be addressed in order to devise a practical framework. The future direction for double auction framework in multi-attributes negotiation is suggested.

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