
Beekeeping has been in practice from an ancient time in Nepal. It is one of the high valued and income-generating activities for the people in Nepal. Diverse climatic conditions of Nepal harbor five species of honeybee out of which Apis laboriosa, A. dorsata, A. cerena, A. florea are native, whereas Apis mellifera was introduced and is being reared commercially. Three sub-species of A. cerana, viz. A. cerana indica, A. cerana himalaya and A. cerana cerana are distributed in different regions of Nepal. A. cerena is cultivated in traditional log hive as well as in modern bee hive. However, most of the annual honey production comes from wild honeybees. Number of hives recorded during 2012/13 was 169,000 with 1625 metric tons of honey production. Hive productivity is low due to problems associated with apiculture; low quality management of bees, colony migration and absconding, pesticide intoxication, product quality control, inadequate data on bee floral identification and inadequate bee research program, are major concerns for beekeeping in Nepal. Though attempts have been made to address few issues such as pest and disease management, behavioral study of wild honey bees, pollination and floral diversity, but most of the problems are unattended because research on beekeeping is scattered and not well organized. Ample opportunities are available to promote apiculture for pollination and hive product. This paper reviews on honeybee diversity, honey production, problems in apiculture, and areas for future study in Nepal.

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