
ABSTRACT In 1993, American Petroleum Institute (API) committees completed the task of writing and issuing two new significant standards: RP 75, "Recommended Practices for Development of a Safety and Environmental ManagementProgram for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Operations and Facilities'; and RP 14J, "Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshora Production Facilities. " RP 75 identifies the components of a Safety and Environmental Management Program (SEMP) and addresses the identification and management of safety and environmental hazards in design, construction,, startup, operation, inspection, and maintenance of new, existing, ormodified OCS oil and gas drilling and production facilities. RP 14J provides guidance information on process and mechanical design analysis and presents methodologies for hazards analysis of offshore production facilities. The two RPs provide excellent tools for use by owners, operators, and contractors who manage, design, and operate OCS facilities. The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has issued a Letter to Lessees and a Federal Register notice which encourage voluntary implementation of RP 75 by all OCS operators. The MMS will monitor the oil and gas industty's voluntaty implementation and compliance with RP 75 to determine if future regulatory activity is required. References and tables at end of paper. INTRODUCTION During 1993, the American Petroleum Institute published two new Recommended Practices (RP) that establish guidelines and practices designed to enhance the operation of offshore facilities in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The RPs were the result of proactive efforts by two industrycommittees who worked in partnership with the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) in their development. The two RPs are:RP 75: "Recommended Practices for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for OCS Operations and Facilities"RP 14J: "Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis of Offshore Production Facilities" The development of RP 75 had as its origin the Safety and Environmental Program (SEMP) concept which was originally proposed by the MMS in July 1991. This concept is intended to address recommendations identified by a study performed by a Marine Board committee of the National Research Council in 1990. The Marine Board's key findings and recommendations included: The current inspection program satisfies the literal requirements of the Outer Continental Shelf LandsAct (OCSLA) for annual and unannounced inspections of each OCS facility. In this sense, it fulfills MMS'S statutory mission. On the other hand, the OCSLA carries a broad mandate to promote safety of life and property and to protect the environment. The Marine Board believes that bythis measure the MMS effort is not totally successful, particularly in the light of greater public expectations regarding safety and environmental protection that have emerged since the OCSLA was amended in 1978. In any event, changes inthe OCS operating environment (including aging platforms, more complex systems and operations, activities in deeper water at greater distances from shore, and changing characteristics of operating companies) have created a need to upgrade the MMS inspection program in order to sustain in the future the generally good.

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