
A new industry called FinTech has emerged within the financial system as of 2008. FinTech promotes a paradigm shift which does not rest as much on products or services being provided as on who provides them, and how are they provided. It is not by chance that such developments, which encompass both new services (i.e. BlockChain, cryptocurrencies or smart contracts) and new players, is taking place in parallel with Internet and mobile devices developments. There is a factor that is common to all such developments: the intensive use of computer technology and the speed and security of information flows. It is somehow ironic that when dealing with financial and technological globalisation, both national lawmakers and the international financial institution framework have so far failed to regulate emerging technologies and commercial issues. The goal of this paper is to provide a reflection on the new digital technologies that are changing the financial system, and to critically examine any feasible approaches to regulatory policies that are able to comprehend and supervise such developments.

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