
Adolescents continue to present a dilemma for the human service system. Although the youth population has declined in recent years, the severity and frequency of need within the existing population continues to increase. Physical abuse, substance abuse, early pregnancy, suicide, poor school performance—all are growing adolescent concerns. However, tradi tional treatment techniques and settings often are inappropriate for the needs of adolescents. Although community rec reation centers are frequented by adolescents, particularly early adoles cents, traditionally structured treatment systems have difficulty reaching needy or at-risk teenagers. The gist of the problem with abused and neglected teens is a lack of trust (MacKinnon & Michels, 1971; Saund ers, 1984). Given their developmental history, it is reasonable for these teens to mistrust parental figures, to discount the ability of a parental figure to be there to help, and to dismiss the value of emotional expression in meeting per sonal needs. Outdoor adventure pro grams can help these troubled youths to gain some needed development in fun damental areas because of the natural settings where important interactions can take place.

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