
Equine virus abortion is a highly contagious disease of horses and donkeys which is characterized by the death and the expolsion of fetus usually during the second half of the pregnancy. Virus abortion which was described by Dimock in 1940 has been recognized in the United States of America(l), Jugoslavia, Austria, İtaly, Germany (20), Hungary (13), Bulgaria (15), and South Africa (14), it is a, particular hazard in horse breeding establishments. The cause of the disease is avirus which may be present in the tissues of the fetus, in the placenta, and in the fetal fluid. it has been demonstrated that the agent of equine virus abortion İs similar to or identical with the equine influenza virus (13,7). Equine influenza and equine virus abortion are only different terms for an infection with the same virus. Depending on their resistance naturally infected animals first of all show a more or less acute clinical picture of influenza after an incubation period of 3-7 days. Abortion foııows 14-76 days after infection. The preceding influenza stage on account of its frequent mild course often remain unııoticed. Crossimmunization: anima! experiments and the .compIement fixation reaction getting positive ten days after infection conferm the identity of the viruses, which considered responsible for two different diseases(

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