
Two dynamical systems with same symmetry should have features in common, and as far as their shared symmetry is concerned, one may represent the other. The three light quark constituent of the hadrons, (a) have an approximate flavor SU(3)f symmetry, (b) have an exact color SU(3)c symmetry, and (c) as spin particles, have a Lorentz SO(3, 1) symmetry. So does a 3D harmonic oscillator. (a) Its Hamiltonian has the SU(3) symmetry, breakable if the 3 oscillators are not identical. (b) The 3 directions of oscillation have the permutation symmetry. This enables one to create three copies of unbreakable SU(3) symmetry for each oscillator, and mimic the color of the elementary particles. (c) The Lagrangian of the 3D oscillator has the SO(3,1) symmetry. This can be employed to accommodate the spin of the particles. In this paper we propose a one-to-one correspondence (a) between the eigen modes of the Poisson bracket operator of the 3D oscillator and the flavor multiplets of the particles, and (b) between the permuted modes of the oscillator and the color and anticolor multiplets of the particles. The bi-colored gluons are represented by the generators of the color SU(3)c symmetry of the oscillator. Harmonic oscillators are common place objects and, wherever encountered, are analytically solvable. Elementary particles, on the other hand, are abstract entities far from one’s reach. Understanding of one may help a better appreciation of the other.

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