
String compactifications with non-Abelian gauge fields localized on D-branes, with background NSNS and RR 3-form fluxes, and with non-trivial warp factors, can naturally exist within T-dual versions of type I string theory. We develop a systematic procedure to construct the effective bosonic Lagrangian of type I T-dualized along a six-torus, including the coupling to gauge multiplets on D3-branes and the modifications due to 3-form fluxes. Looking for solutions to the ten-dimensional equations of motion, we find warped products of Minkowski space and Ricci-flat internal manifolds. Once the warp factor is neglected, the resulting no-scale scalar potential of the effective four-dimensional theory combines those known for 3-form fluxes and for internal Yang–Mills fields and stabilizes many of the moduli. We perform an explicit comparison of our expressions to those obtained from N=4 gauged supergravity and find agreement. We also comment on the possibility to include D9-branes with world-volume gauge fluxes in the background with 3-form fluxes.

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