
We consider an ordinary differential equation (ODE) approach for solving non- linear programming (NLP) and nonlinear complementary problem (NCP). The Karush- Kuhn Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions can be converted to NCP. Based on the Fischer-Burmeister (FB) function and the Natural-Residual (NR) function are obtained the new NCP-functions. A special technique is employed to reformulate of the NCP as the system of nonlinear algebraic equations (NAEs) later on reformulated once more by force. of an original time-like function into an ODE. Afterwards, a group preserving scheme (GPS) is a package to reformulate an ODE into the new numerical equation in a way the ODEs system is designed into a nonlinear dynamical system (NDS) and is continued to a discovery the new numerical equation through activating the Lorentz group SO0(n, 1) and its Lie algebra so(n, 1). Lastly, the fictitious time integration method (FTIM) is utilized into this new numerical equation to determine an approximation solution at the numerical experiments area.

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