
Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity results in significant, permanent hearing loss in pediatric and adult cancer survivors. Elucidating the mechanisms underlying cisplatin-induced hearing loss as well as the development of therapies to reduce and/or reverse cisplatin ototoxicity have been impeded by suboptimal animal models. Clinically, cisplatin is most commonly administered in multi-dose, multi-cycle protocols. However, many animal studies are conducted using single injections of high-dose cisplatin, which is not reflective of clinical cisplatin administration protocols. Significant limitations of both high-dose, single-injection protocols and previous multi-dose protocols in rodent models include high mortality rates and relatively small changes in hearing sensitivity. These limitations restrict assessment of both long-term changes in hearing sensitivity and effects of potential protective therapies. Here, we present a detailed method for an optimized mouse model of cisplatin ototoxicity that utilizes a multi-cycle administration protocol that better approximates the type and degree of hearing loss observed clinically. This protocol results in significant hearing loss with very low mortality. This mouse model of cisplatin ototoxicity provides a platform for examining mechanisms of cisplatin-induced hearing loss as well as developing therapies to protect the hearing of cancer patients receiving cisplatin therapy.

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