
Throughout today's economic and social life, the use of web-based services (such as e-commerce, online banking, and web-based communications, to name a few) has become a common habit. Countless applications operate worldwide on millions of servers, and their numbers are steadily increasing. It has become a focus of attackers and hackers for the attacks because of the huge growth of internet usage. It is necessary for all companies to develop and protect their applications in order to maintain their credibility and keep their products relevant for users. Web applications have brought in new classes of computer security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection (SQLIA), and it has exceeded previously prominent vulnerability classes in recent years. SQL injection is the instance of the broader class of vulnerabilities that are based on input validation. The primary purpose of this research is to study the vulnerabilities of SQL injection and to propose an optimistic security model for secure data transmission. In this work, the authors proposed an adaptive algorithm to prevent SQL injections.

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