
As of July 2020, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has been completed. Due to the unique configuration of the BDS Heterogeneous constellations, and the scale of ground stations continues to expand, it has brought severe challenges to the time-effectiveness and accuracy of precise orbit determination (POD). This paper presents a station-selection algorithm based on coverage. Firstly, the boundary equation of the coverage area is derived; Secondly, based on the criterion of minimum GDOP value, two optimal networks are generated for GEO/IGSO and MEO satellites separately using the satellite-coverage-based and the station-coverage-based algorithm. Finally, an optimal global network for BDS is obtained by merging the two networks. According to the experiment results of 5 adjacent days, the orbit determination using the optimal network is roughly equivalent to that using all stations in precision but with a more shorted processing time up to 32%. and the orbit determination precisions of GEO, IGSO and MEO satellites have increased by about 52%, 58%, and 41% separately compared to those of using a randomly-selected stations network of the same scale. This algorithm helps reducing the time of orbit determination processing while retaining the orbit determination precision for BDS.

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