
High-spatial-resolution satellite imagery enables transformational opportunities to observe, map, and document the micro-topographic transitions occurring in Arctic polygonal tundra at multiple spatial and temporal frequencies. Knowledge discovery through artificial intelligence, big imagery, and high-performance computing (HPC) resources is just starting to be realized in Arctic permafrost science. We have developed a novel high-performance image-analysis framework—Mapping Application for Arctic Permafrost Land Environment (MAPLE)—that enables the integration of operational-scale GeoAI capabilities into Arctic permafrost modeling. Interoperability across heterogeneous HPC systems and optimal usage of computational resources are key design goals of MAPLE. We systematically compared the performances of four different MAPLE workflow designs on two HPC systems. Our experimental results on resource utilization, total time to completion, and overhead of the candidate designs suggest that the design of an optimal workflow largely depends on the HPC system architecture and underlying service-unit accounting model.

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