
AbstractLog monitoring and analysis plays critical role in identifying events and traces to understand system behaviour at that point in time and to ensure predictive, corrective actions if required. This research is centered towards modelling open-source framework meant for real-time and historical log analytics of IT infrastructure of an educational institute consisting of application servers hosted over Internet and Intranet, peripheral firewalls and IoT devices. Modelling such framework has not only enhanced processing speed of real-time and historical logs through stream processing and batch processing, respectively, but also facilitated system administrators with critical security incidents monitoring and analysis in near-real time. It also allowed forensic investigations on indexed historical logs stored after stream processing by using batch processing. The modelled framework provides open-source, efficient, user-friendly, enterprise-ready centralized heterogeneous log analysis platform with fast searching options. Open-source tools like Apache Flume, Apache Kafka, ELK Stack and Apache Spark are used for log ingestion, stream processing, real-time search and analytics and batch processing, respectively, in this work. Arriving at a novel solution to unify big data processing paradigms stream and batch processing for log analytics, we propose an approach that can be extrapolated to a generalized system for log analytics across a large infrastructure generating voluminous heterogeneous logs.KeywordsBig dataBatch processingStream processingHeterogeneous log analyticApache SparkELK StackApache KafkaPerformance evaluation

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