
Vranavastu is the scar formed on the skin after the Vrana is healed. It remains for the rest of life even after the healing of Vrana is completed.[1] This Vranavastu forms discoloration of skin, to treat this discoloration of skin various procedures are explained in Vaikrutapaha Chikitsa[2] of Vrana, which helps to restore the normal skin color after healing. Cosmetology[3] was given utmost importance even in the Vedic period. It emphasizes not only on physical beauty but also on psyche beauty for the purpose of attaining an admirable personality. Reference of Manjishta[4] used in skin disorders is mentioned in Charaka Samhitha under Varnya Gana. This study is carried out in a single group of 30 diagnosed cases of Vrana vasthu. This study is based on clinical evaluation of effect of Manjishta Lepa in Vrana Vasthu. Obtained observations and results have been analyzed in terms of Ayurveda and Contemporary science.

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