
Background: Vicharchika is one among the Kshudra Kushta with predominance of Kapha Dosha and it is characterized by, Kandu (Itching), Bahu Srava (Excessive exudation), Shyava Varna (Greyish black discolouration) and Pidaka (Papule). Vicharchika is similar to Dermatitis (Eczema). Dermatitis is a heterogenous group of disorders that share similarities in clinical appearance and histopathologic findings, but may have different etiologies. Objectives: To evaluate the combined effectiveness of Navakashaya and Vidangadi Lepa in the management of Vicharchika (Dermatitis). Methods: Among 34 registered subjects, 30 of them completed the course of treatment. They were administered with Navakashaya internally and Vidangadi Lepa application externally for a period of 30 days. Ordinal data was analyzed with Friedman’s test followed by Wilcoxon signed rank test as post-hoc and Nominal data was analyzed with Cochran Q test followed by McNemar test as post-hoc. Continuous data was analyzed by Repeated Measures ANOVA and after applying bonferroni correction with Paired t test as post-hoc. Results: There was statistically significant improvement in the subjective and objective parameters of Vicharchika (Dermatitis). Conclusion: Navakashaya and Vidangadi Lepa are effective in the management of Vicharchika (Dermatitis).

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