
Background: Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis occurring in weight bearing joints like hip and knee. Main presenting symptoms are pain and functional restriction. With advancement in working pattern and age factor, it has become prime cause for aggravation of Vata Dosha, which does Dhatu Kshaya and Bala Kshaya leading to Sandhigatavata. Due to all these factors and being a Marma sthana, the person will be incapacitated from doing his day-to-day activities. Aims and objectives: To clinically evaluate the combined effectiveness of Asthishrinkhala Ghrita Matrabasti and Asthishrinkhala Vati in Janusandhigatavata. Methodology: In the present study, 34 patients of Janusandhigatavata fulfilling diagnostic criteria were given Asthishrinkhala Ghrita Matrabasti for 7days and Asthishrinkhala Vati for 21 days. Assessment were done using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for Pain, Ritchie articular index for assessment of tenderness, Swelling and crepitus based on numerical Scoring, Movement of joints measurement is done with Goniometer and physical functions assessed through WOMAC- Index for Osteoarthritis. Results: Data was analyzed using appropriate statistical test. Significant results (p<0.05) were found in all the cardinal symptoms- Vata Poornadruti Sparsha Shotha, Shula on Prasarana and Akunchana, Atopa and Stabdhata in Janusandhi. Conclusion: Asthishrinkhala Ghrita Matrabasti and Asthishrinkhala Vati is effective in management in Janusandhigatavata.

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