
Safely and reliably managing the lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles for daily operations relies on accurate state-of-charge estimation. To pursue accurate state-of-charge estimation, battery electric circuit model-based algorithms demand minimized modeling error from accurate parameter identifications. Typical online parameter identification algorithms: least square fitting approach and recursive least square fitting are commonly adopted but have their limitations and issues with continuously providing accurate identification results. To overcome their problems and utilize their strengths, this paper proposes a condition-based parameter identification switching algorithm. The proposed algorithm accurately and robustly identifies the lithium-ion batteries' parameters based on the battery data condition and the adoption of Bollinger bands. By minimizing the modeling error, the accuracy of the state-of-charge estimation is thus improved. The electric vehicle simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm can improve the parameter identification accuracy by an average of 70.80% and 44.95% reduction in the mean absolute parameter identification error, compared to typical least square fitting and recursive least square fitting approaches. With the help of the minimized modeling error, the state-of-charge estimation accuracy can thus be improved, rendering an average of 62.44% and 21.49% improvement.

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