
AbstractThe current intrusion detection systems (IDSs) generate a tremendous number of intrusion alerts. In practice, managing and analyzing this large number of low-level alerts is one of the most challenging tasks for a system administrator. In this context alert correlation techniques aiming to provide a succinct and high-level view of attacks gained a lot of interest. Although, a variety of methods were proposed, the majority of them address the alert correlation in the off-line setting. In this work, we focus on the online approach to alert correlation. Specifically, we propose a fully automated adaptive approach for online correlation of intrusion alerts in two stages. In the first online stage, we employ a Bayesian network to automatically extract information about the constraints and causal relationships among alerts. Based on the extracted information, we reconstruct attack scenarios on-the-fly providing network administrator with the current network view and predicting the next potential steps of the attacker. Our approach is illustrated using both the well known DARPA 2000 data set and the live traffic data collected from a Honeynet network.Keywordsalert correlationBayesian network

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