
AbstractA generalized solution to the problem of laboratory data acquisition and data reduction will be discussed. The Nuclear Data 7700 System represents a new approach to laboratory data acquisition and reduction in that it is capable of interfacing with, providing complete data analysis and generating comprehensive output reports for many instruments in the analytical laboratory. Featuring both off‐line data reduction and digital magnetic tape cartridge program storage, it was designed to offer an economical and minimum obsolescence solution to the data reduction problem. The system allows the full capability of a small general purpose computer to be employed with a variety of computer programs to perform data analysis for a variety of instruments. Besides software availability, providing complete data reduction and comprehensive output reports, for the more important analytical instruments such as Gas Chromatographs, IR and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers, Physical Testing Instruments, etc., the flexibility of this approach makes computerized data reduction practical for such instruments as Thermal Analyzers, Titrators, etc. The gas chromatography data handling aspects of the system are discussed in detail.

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