
Epilepsy is defined as chronic non-communicable disease of brain affecting 50 million people worldwide. It can be distinguished by repeated seizures of an involuntary movement which involves partial body or entire body which sometimes is accompanied by loss of consciousness. The episodes of seizures are a result of excessive electrical discharges in the brain.1 70 million, people in the world have epilepsy marking the world’s second most common neurological disorder.2 With a conservative evidence, an estimate of 1% epilepsy of prevalence more than 12 million people are with epilepsy in India. At global level the prevalence of epilepsy is 5-9 per 1000 population. Most of male than female is said to be affected with epilepsy with overall a lesser difference. According to the Global Data, over 5 million are diagnosed by epilepsy each year.2 The Comparison between High Income countries and Middle- and low-income countries shows us that epilepsy is more prevalent in middle- and low-income countries due to many endemic conditions and a higher incidence of road injuries, birth-related injuries which are not taken care at the earliest, poor health education and no optimal medical infrastructure.

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