
Dr. Garson Romalis (1937-2014) was an obstetrician, gynaecologist and abortion provider in Vancouver, British Columbia. Like other abortion providers in North America, Romalis, his family and his clinic were subjected to years of harassment by pro-life activists. In 1994, Romalis was shot in his home by an anti-abortion terrorist and in 2000, he was stabbed by another terrorist outside of his clinic. Yet Romalis continued to provide this legal and essential medical procedure to British Columbian women, and advocated for the education of more abortion providers. This study will discuss the life and contributions of Gary Romalis and outline the motivations of the man to continue this dangerous work. It will compare his experiences with that of the more famous Canadian abortion provider, Dr. Henry Morgentaler, and speculate upon the significance of the Jewish ideal of tikkun olam (to heal the world) in these men’s lifework. Abortion terrorism will be situated within the constellation of pro-life activities, the goal of which is the curtailment of access to abortion in Canada.

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