
As in [5] a parametric n-surface in Rk (where k ≧ n) will be a pair (f, Mn), consisting of a continuous mapping f of an oriented topological manifold Mn into the euclidean k-space Rk. (f, Mn) is said to be closed if Mn is compact. The main purpose of this paper is to use the method of [4] to prove a general form of Cauchy's Integral Theorem (Theorem 5.3) for those closed parametric n-surfaces (f, Mn) in Rn+1, which have bounded variation in the sense of [5] and for which f(Mn) has a finite Hausdorff n-measure. As in [4], the proof is carried out by approximating the surface with a simpler type of surface. However, when n > 1, a difficulty arises in that there are entities, which occur in a natural way, but are not parametric surfaces. We therefore introduce a concept which we call an S-system and which forms a generalisation (see 2.2) of the type of closed parametric n-surface that was studied in [5] II, 3 in connection with a proof of a Gauss-Green Theorem. The surfaces of [5] II, 3 include those that are studied in this paper.

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