
Wi-Fi(IEEE802.11x) has an unshakable position in the field of wireless communication technology due to its low-cost, high-speed characteristics with wide coverage and large data transmission volume. In the Internet of Things(IoT) fields such as smart home, smart medical care and smart transportation, applications for remote control via easy-peasy Wi-Fi modules are in abundance. The development of cloud platform enables devices scattered in different areas to access the Internet for centralized control and breaks geographical restrictions. In the communication process, choosing an appropriate, reliable and lightweight application layer protocol with less load can better guarantee the quality of data transmission and so improve efficiency. In this paper, we proposed an scalable remote control framework based on MQTT application protocol. We utilize the simple-to-deploy, easy-to-develop NodeMCU board as edge wireless Wi-Fi nodes called SA, LK and SS NMN. Combined with a single-chip microcomputer deployed with MQTT application layer protocol through TCP transparent transmission, the control system will be connected into cloud platform with proper burned SDK. In this way, people can control devices remotely, and cooperate with RocketMQ messages for message flow. We deployed a relatively complete experimental system, and verified the feasibility and reliability of the framework by testing the message delivery time and efficiency of pub/sub scenarios. The experimental results show that the speed of uplink and downline of this framework is within and above reason, and the efficiency is still high in the QoS2 state.

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