
The process of iris recognition can result in a decline in recognition performance when the resolution of the iris images is insufficient. In this study, a super-resolution model for iris images, namely SwinGIris, which combines the Swin Transformer and the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), is introduced. SwinGIris performs quadruple super-resolution reconstruction for low-resolution iris images, aiming to improve the resolution of iris images and thereby improving the recognition accuracy of iris recognition systems. The model utilizes residual Swin Transformer blocks to extract depth global features, and the progressive upsampling method along with sub-pixel convolution is conducive to focusing on the high-frequency iris information in the presence of more non-iris information. In order to preserve high-frequency details, the discriminator employs a VGG-style relative classifier to guide the generator in generating super-resolution images. In experimental section, we enhance low-resolution (56 × 56) iris images to high-resolution (224 × 224) iris images. Experimental results indicate that the SwinGIris model achieves satisfactory outcomes in restoring low-resolution iris image textures while preserving identity information.

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