
An experimental in vitro study was conducted at the Research Facilitation Centre of Sarada Krishna Homoepathic Medical College and Hospital to compare and analyse the antibacterial effect of different potencies of Kreosotum and Metrogyl against the gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus. Notably, Kreosotum 200C, a particular Homoeopathic medicine, displayed the most potent antimicrobial activity, generating a substantial 7mm inhibition zone. This remarkable efficacy against Gram-Positive bacteria positions it as a viable treatment option for various ailments, including but not limited to Bacteraemia, Infective Endocarditis, Suppurative Affections (CSOM), Surgical Infections, Septic Shock, Septic Arthritis, and Nosocomial Infections.Future investigations should also focus on evaluating the in-vivo activity against Gram-positive bacteria to provide a comprehensive understanding of the therapeutic potential of Homoeopathic treatments in clinical settings.

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