
The objective of the work is to analyze the impact of weather conditions on different types of MANET routing protocols. The influence of weather on the performances of MANET protocols such as AODV, STAR, RIP and ZRP are compared with and without considering weather conditions. Most of the works are not considering the effect of weather, when analysing the performances of MANET protocols. The simulations are carried out using Qualnet 5.0 with 100 nodes. The mobility model used for simulation is the Random waypoint model, where each node is moving independently to reach the destination with a random velocity. The velocity of each mobile node varies from 10 m/s to 50 m/s with the weather intensity of 1000 deg/m2. The performance metrics such as end to end delay, jitter, through put and packet delivery ratio are analysed and compared. The simulation results reveals that AODV provides better throughput and high packet delivery ratio compared to other protocols under with and without considering weather. STAR protocol yields good performance with respect to end to end delay and jitter under both conditions.

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