
The use of epoxy resins has significantly grown in many industrial applications due to their exceptional mechanical and chemical properties. However, their susceptibility to Ultraviolet (UV) light damage and exposure to outdoor weather conditions remains a major limitation. In order to address this drawback, UV absorbers have been frequently employed to reduce the rate of UV degradation. This study investigates the impact of UV radiation on the physical, chemical, and mechanical characteristics of cured epoxy laminates. The results indicate that UV radiation causes a significant reduction in tensile strength by 22.6% after 180 h of exposure. Furthermore, UV–Visible and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy measurements demonstrate significant chemical and optical modifications in the epoxy matrix, leading to the deterioration of its properties. These findings provide valuable insights for designing new epoxy formulations that can withstand harsh environmental conditions and improve the durability and performance of epoxy-based products.

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